The rapid growth in tech advancement came with a paradigm shift in the way humans think, live and work. This birthed the need for a host of tech-related skills and tools to be able to fully partake in what’s referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution.
When considering South Africa’s current digital divide, due to the lack of access to quality digital enabling tools and the national need for youth upskilling for the future workplace, projects focusing on digital empowerment and upliftment become crucial to society.
MiDO Technologies has a mission to change the narrative around digital enabling tools on the continent of Africa and prepare African youth. As a result of what we do, these individuals will build confidence in the use of technology and digital skills that are relevant to the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Part of our mission is to ensure ethical use of digital skills. Thus, MiDO Technologies launched its first Cyber Security cohort through a new project: MiDO Academy will create pathways out of poverty and create meaningful employment opportunities for young people, while alleviating the pressures felt by business owners to upskill and integrate new talent. The Academy’s focus is on 21st century skills: soft skills, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, innovation, cyber security awareness and cyber security training.